The European legislation on plastic packaging commercialised on theEuropean Union establishes that 65% of all packaging used in 2025 must berecycled and, by 2030, any type of packaging used must be recyclable, reusableor compostable.
Within this framework, sustainability has become an essentialrequirement, and the development of more eco-friendly bags and packagingis currently the main challenge for the packaging industry.
Some sectors,such as the retail and wholesale sectors, have joined this trend and arealready taking actions focused in reducing the use of plastic in their point ofsales. Consequently, we have seen how single-use plastic bags have graduallydisappeared from line cashiers in most supermarket chains.
Additionally,many supermarkets and big stores have taken a step forward in the reduction ofdisposable plastics and they have fostered the use of reusable mesh bags fortheir bulk fruits and vegetables sections.
The Spanishsupermarket chain Coviran is a clear example of this. For just 1,99€, customerscan buy a pack of 4 reusable bags, size 35x 20 cm. They are made ofsemi-transparent breathable mesh, with cord cover, 100% recyclableand capable of bearing more than 5kg weight. They can be washed andreused a huge number of times.
Eventhough this format is not so widely extended, kraft paper bags withouthandles are another eco-friendly alternative adopted by certain chains inthe fruits and vegetables sections. This is the case of certain supermarkets,such as El Corte Inglés, Hipercor and Supercor.
Bags madeof paper, recycled PET, non-woven with 50-70% recycled material. No matter whatmaterial or format you choose, just remember that consumers are looking for usefuland reusable packaging solutions which minimize the environmental impact.
All bagsmanufactured in Diseños NT are endorsed by an environmental certification, suchas the PEFC certification on sustainable forest management, whichguarantees that the paper used in the production of the bags comes fromresponsibly managed forests, therefore avoiding illegal logging. Our non-wovenbags are also certified by the DNT Recycled Bond certification, whichguarantees that the bags are made of non-woven with 50-70% recycledmaterial.
Keepyourself updated, take action and get a move on complying with the applicablelegislation, promoting the use of reusable bags in your business.