
Manufacturing a low-cost cord cover with a sustainable material but without sacrificing their well-cared image.

Birchbox is a monthly-subscription service which sends a box to subscribers containing between four and five samples of make-up and other beauty products. They needed a cover or bag, made of a material similar to cotton, which allowed to pack the products quickly and efficiently.

Their objective was to find a low-cost solution without sacrificing their well-cared image. They requested direct delivery to different locations in France, Spain and the United Kingdom.


A specifically-sized bag to suit in their box.

  • Our department in charge of making samples developed a cord cover made of different materials and specifically-sized to suit in their box.
  • We made samples of different materials: non-woven and recycled PET. Finally, the client chose the one made of recycled PET.
  • We took care of all import logistics and the deliveries in different locations, as requested by the client.


The result was a customized ecological cover, specifically made to suit their needs. The client was successful with this cover, which was in line with their image and fulfilled customer expectations regarding quality. Furthermore, the cover can be reused as accessory bag and ends up being a highly demanded item.

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